AGM REMINDER: OCTOBER 19, 2021 7pm via ZOOM (watch emails for a link and Agenda by October 18)
Attached are the new Constitution and Bylaws which will be motioned in for approval at the beginning of the meeting. Please review.
Positions up for nomination:
2 year term- must have served at least 1 yr on the Executive
Presides over all Executive meetings and AGM
Attends BC Minor Baseball Board Meetings and AGM
Liaison with other associations
Heads all Committees
Deals with National and Regional concerns
2 year term
Attends all Board Meetings
Works with all Division Coordinators for House Programs
Works with Equipment, Uniform and Field Coordinators
Member of the Disciplinary Committee
2 year term
Manage COMBA's Financial Assets and Liabilities
Pay Incoming Invoices
Head the Budget Committee
Compile Budgets for all HP Programs
Reconcile Monthly Bank Statements
Provide a Monthly Financial Report to the Board
Attend all Board Meetings
Present Year end Financial Statement at AGM
MEMBER AT LARGE: (4 positions)
1 year term
Responsibilities vary yearly dependent on the needs of the Association
Provide assistance to the Executive
Support needed in the following areas:
Graphic Design/ Communications