Baseball BC Issued an updated statement February 6, 2021 to all of it's member associations which includes COMBA.
ViaSport and the Provincial Heath Officer have recently extended the current order restricting gatherins and events until further notice.
Reminder's of the existering orders in play:
- All indoor and outdoor team sports for people over the afe of 22 years old is suspended.
- Indoor and outdoor sport for people 22 years of age and under can continue but we are still in Phase 2.
- Participants must maintain a physical distance of three metres from one another.
- Activites should be low risk of transmitting the virus (eg individual activities, group training that maintains physical distance)
- Games, tournaments and competitions for any team are not allowed.
- Spectators are not permitted. This means no spectators at any games, competitions, training or practice.
- Masks are requried in all indoor public settings.
- Strength training and dryland training are not permitted, unless there is a COVID19 saftey plan in place for this type of activity that is strictly followed (see Regional Health Authority for your local requirements)
- Players may travel to their home club/team. Team travel must be limited to say within each city/municipality.
Please see Baseball BC's official wesite for more information: