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Player evaluations are held at the beginning of the spring season for team placements. At this time players will be assigned to teams using a draft process. This process ensures that all teams are of equal strength. 

Game day Rules

Fielding Rules

  1. Bases are at a distance of 60 feet.

  2. Pitching rubber is at a distance of 46 feet and raised by a gradual slope to a height of 6 inches above the level of the base paths. 

  3. Recommended outfield distance is 200 feet. 

  4. There is to be no rover position, only 9 players on the field at any time. 

  5. Only 1 base advancement on an overthrow that leaves the field of play. Players may advance as far as possible on an overthrow if the ball remains in the field of play.

Pitching Rules

  1. Pitching is permitted.

  2. No balks may be called against the pitcher.

  3. In the first inning, the starting pitcher is entitled to 8 warm up pitches. Any inning the starting pitcher continues to pitch they will be entitled to 6 warm up pitches. Umpires hold final discretion in calling balls in. 

  4. First-year players must pitch in the 1st and 2nd inning. 

  5. Pitches are counted as per BC Canada rules

  6. If a pitcher hits 2 batters, removal should be considered.

  7. A pitcher cannot be returned to the game to pitch. 

  8. A player may not pitch and catch in the same game. 

  9. Players should be spotted while in the bullpen. 

Batting Rules

  1. As suggested by Baseball Minor BC, in doubleheaders or during tournament play the batting order should continue from the last better.

  2. The first three innings have a 2 run limit for both the bottom and the top of the inning. 

  3. There is a four run limit in innings 4 and 5. 

  4. The sixth inning is open. 

  5. After 4 and half innings, if the home team leads by 10+ runs, the game is over. After 5 completing innings, if the away team is leading by 10+ runs the game is over. 

  6. Stealing 1st, 2nd, and 3rd base is allowed all season. After the Charlie Green Tournament, stealing home will be allowed beginning in the 3rd inning of each game. â€‹â€‹

  7. Once pitcher touches the rubber the baserunners cannot be off their base and will be called out unless they are attempting to steal a base. 

  8. Lead offs are not permitted.

  9. As per BC Baseball rules, runners cannot leave their base until the ball crosses the plate. 

  10. If the game is tied, and time allows, an extra inning may be played.

Summer Season

Playing on a summer season team exposes our players to a higher level of competition and additional learning opportunities. Summer baseball can create memories and friendships that last a lifetime. ​


The summer baseball season requires a commitment from players, parents and coaches of up to 7 weeks. Between tournaments, games and practices, players can expect to be on the field almost every day of the week. 

Summer baseball at the Mosquito level includes:

  • Mosquito AAA Tier 1 - 11U

  • Mosquito AAA Tier 2 - 11U

  • Mosquito AA - 11U*

  • Mosquito A - 10U


*The AA team can only be fielded after filling up the AAA Tier 1, Tier 2 and A teams, if there is enough interest. 

Each team can expect to play in a minimum of two tournaments, exhibition games and then compete in zones for the ability to attend Provincials. All games are agains equally tiered competition. 


Registration for summer teams will be announced near the end of the spring season. Watch for emails and check back to the website regularly for registration links. 

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