Central Okanagan Minor Baseball Association
Parents code of Conduct
Parent's agree to and sign off on the parent's code of conduct during the registration process of their player.
As a parent in the Central Okanagan Minor Baseball Association I promise to:
Remember that baseball is an opportunity to learn and to have fun.​
Encourage good sportsmanship through demonstrating and providing respect for all players, coaches, umpires, parents and the public at large at all games, practices and events.
Place the emotional and physical well-being of all players ahead of any personal desire to win.
Abstain from any controlled substances (alcohol, drugs etc.) at COMBA events.
Discuss any differences with coaches, fans and officials away and distant from all children in a calm and dignified manner. Understand that the coach is in charge and has the position of authority over the players during games, practices and events.
Be responsible for the behavior for any guests I may invite to participate in or observe a COMBA event and ensure they behave in accordance with this code.
Assist my player in attending every practice, game and team event that they are able, and give their coach reasonable notice if they are unable to attend.
Embody the COMBA Mission to be a community of baseball players, parents, coaches and volunteers, pursuing athletic excellence and personal development of youth in the Central Okanagan.
Respect the integrity and judgment of the game umpires, understanding that they are doing their best to help promote the youth baseball athletes, and admire their willingness to participate in full view of the public.
Provide positive support, care, and encouragement for all players participating in the sport of baseball.
Finally, I promise to abide by the BC Minor Code of Conduct (rule 13, page 47).
If I observe any violations of this Code of Conduct by other parents or those to be followed by either
Coaches or Players, I will abide by and adhere to the COMBA Conflict Resolution Policy in dealing
with the matter of concern.
I have read and understand this COMBA Code of Conduct as described above. I am aware that any failure on my behalf to comply with the above may result in my temporary or permanent removal from all COMBA sponsored activities and negation of my playing privileges. I agree that all decisions in these matters made by COMBA board of directors are final and binding.