Thank you to each and every player who attended the recent tryouts for the 15UAAA Sun Devils team. We appreciate everyone’s time and commitment level and are looking forward to a great season of baseball for everyone. Please know that as coaches, we don’t not take these decisions lightly, and wish every player a successful season.
We are excited to announce the 2024 15UAAA Sun Devils roster.
August Williams
Brody Cramp
Corbin Wahler
Emma Lecompte
Ethan Bitgood
Henry Gilbert
Levi Giroday
Linden Mitchell
Malachi Crowe
Preston Giroday
Raine Hills
Reid Ingram
Riley Brucki
Ryan Swift
Tanner Misfeldt
Congratulations! Let’s go Sun Devils!
Play - Hustle - Grow The 15U AAA team is looking for one more assistant coach to round out the coaching staff for the upcoming 2024 season, if you are interested please send your details including your NCCP # and detailed experience to: