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HP / Early Bird Registration Closes Tomorrow! (11U HP Tryouts Announced)

February 15th is our deadline for high performance registration and the end of the early bird pricing. All registrations after February 16th will not include the early bird discount and HP registrations will no longer be accepted so don't miss out! Spring registration closes February 28th, no exceptions!

Evaluations for 11U HP will be held on the following dates:

Monday Mar 11th @ 3:45-5:45 PM 

Saturday Mar 16th @ 11:45-1:45 PM 

You will have to attend 1 evaluation session.  There will be more information and a signup sheet shared with those that have registered, after registration has closed.  

The Spring season will consist of a minimum of 3 field times per week and run from early April (weather dependent) until the end of May.  The Summer 11U registration and team evaluations will be shared at a later date and those teams will be formed in early June.  

We're looking forward to hitting the fields very soon!

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