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Volunteers Needed!

As we can all see from the sunshine and warmth in the afternoons, baseball is almost upon us!

Evaluation Day Helpers

You don’t have to be there all day! Come for one slot or two. We need people who can catch, throw ground balls, drop balls in the fly-ball-machine, who will keep the players in line, socially distancing, and moving from station to station. This way the evaluators can focus on evaluating. Members of our High Performance coaching teams will be helping out with these evaluations so that they are unbiased, and we can place the players fairly.

Thank you for your willingness to help! We are close but still need a few slots filled, especially in the afternoon for Peewee and Bantam.

Field Coordinators

With the warmer weather, we are reminded that our beautiful fields need some love as well. We are initially looking for 3 field coordinators for Lombardy, and 3 field coordinators for Edith Gay.

What does that entail? Glad you asked! Some of the things we need done in order to ensure our players are safe to hustle are…

  • Repair mounds

  • Fix batting nets

  • Ensure tractor is gassed up at Lombardy and Edith Gay,

  • Help with field prep Saturday and Sunday mornings for games

  • Order and organize chalk

  • Etc.

No prior experience necessary! Our equipment and maintenance managers have tons of experience and will train and support you. Let’s all do our part to make this volunteer association run, so the kids can play. Go to our volunteer page, and indicate on the form that you are “willing to help with fields.”

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