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Ready to step onto the field, empower the next generation to work hard, take part in community and have fun? 

National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP)

The NCCP is part of a national sports system that is built on solid research and sound principles relating to athlete development across different sports, yet tailored to the specific needs of baseball. This coach program is recognized internationally. Baseball’s NCCP gives coaches the confidence to succeed and is the only coach program for baseball recognized in Canada. When you take an NCCP workshop, you’ll not only gain sport-specific technical abilities, but also leadership and decision-making skills.


All courses and NCCP registration costs as a coach for COMBA will be reimbursed.


To see what courses are available, check here.

Required NCCP Certification and COMBA

BC Minor Baseball requires coaches to have the following levels of NCCP Certification:

Please note that all coaches are required to complete a Criminal Record using our organization code AQDTNDYTG9 at

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