At COMBA we are a community of baseball players, parents, coaches and volunteers, pursuing athletic excellence and personal development of our youth in the Central Okanagan.
There is one person more central to a player’s baseball experience than anyone else, their coach. COMBA is committed to investing in our coaches.

Here are some of the many ways coaches are supported this season:
General Support - your board and coordinators are here for our coaches! We also provide you with skill development resources from our technical director. Our experienced coaches within the community love to invest in newer coaches who are starting to ‘learn the ropes.’
Coaching Interviews - Meet board members and let them get to know you! If you have signed up to coach, please book a time in the next few weeks for an interview?
Criminal Record Check - every coach at COMBA is required to submit to a CRC. Please complete that process by filling out our application form.
Conferences - COMBA will reimburse you for any Baseball BC or BC Minor Baseball conference fees. The next opportunity to take advantage of these courses is the 2021 BC Minor Baseball Coaches Conference March 26-28th. Register Here!
NCCP certification - all online courses and initial certification costs will be reimbursed by COMBA.
Weekly Practice Plans - facilitated by COMBA and the organizations we are affiliated with, we ensure that our coaches are prepared for practices from day 1. We provide comprehensive practice plans for the 5U-9U divisions. And finally....
Mandatory Coach Training Day - Updated - due to COVID restrictions on Adult Gatherings, we will not be holding an in person training before the season.
So as you can see from the dates and links above, COMBA is committed to supporting the people who are investing in our players week after week. If you are a coach, make sure to note the resources that are available to you, get signed up for an interview, and block out the Coaches Training dates on your calendar.
3 cheers for our dads, moms and non-parent coaches who sacrifice so much to make the greatest game on earth even greater for our players.
Play. Hustle. Grow.
Sun Devils.