We want to thank all of the players that attended tryouts, it's always great to see the passion for the game. As coaches we do not take these decisions lightly and wish all players a successful season!
We want to congratulate and introduce the 13U AAA roster:
Rhys Wyatt
Jaden Webb
Blake Thompson
Ajax Smith
Aksel Smith
Davin Rosene
Nolan Langill
Ian Jakab
Owen Jaeger
Blake Harris
Rhys Geisthardt
Easton Assman
The team will be created in TeamSnap and more information will be shared from the head coach very soon!
For those not selected, what's next?
For players interested in 13U AA evaluations you will have to register here
Registration closes Feb 15 and evaluations will be held on Feb 18 or Feb 24 (Must attend one) More details will be sent to the registered players.
For those interested in joining the 13U Winter ball program, there are spots available for players that attended these evaluations. The program runs Saturdays at MNP Place @ 11:45 AM - 1:45 PM running until Mar 9. You can register here This registration link will close Saturday Jan 20 @ 10 AM.