We need to take a moment to thank a giant of a man, both in stature and in heart, who has lead this organization through some some extremely challenging years.
Jeff Bligh has been a baseball coach for over 40 years, board member for over 10 years, and President for the last 2 years. His skills as a coach are legendary, and he has mentored many players, coaches, and volunteers in our organization.
As of March 25th, Coach Bligh has decided to take a step back to focus on his family and other ventures. Thankfully he is still a part of our association as an assistant coach for the 18AAA team and has offered his knowledge and experience to the board on a consulting basis. If you see Jeff on the field, please take a minute to get a socially distanced selfie, and thank him for his service.
The board has elected to promote one of our member’s at large, Darren Kautz, to fill the role of interim president, until our AGM in the fall. Thank you Darren for taking on that responsibility.
I include here, with permission, Jeff's letter of resignation:
To our valued board members, today I am submitting my formal resignation of the President of Central Okanagan Minor Baseball Association. It is with a heavy heart that I have come to this decision. Having being involved with the current board and previous boards for over 10 years, has been overall, a very positive experience for me. Certainly one of the highlights was being involved in the amalgamation of Rutland and Kelowna Minor Baseball Associations, to which we know as COMBA today. This year brought on a fresh new board, and lots of exciting and progressive fundamentals and ideas, which I know will be very beneficial to this growing association. I absolutely commend all of you with your hard work and efforts for the better of this association!! Personally for me, it is time to spend quality time with my family and particularly my 3 granddaughters, who Nicole and I dearly miss, who live in Victoria… a lot of BC Ferry rides in our future 😊. As well, the complexity of my career and a new business venture I am involved in, needs my focus and attention, as I creep closer to retirement age. With all of the positive things happening within COMBA, I simply am not able to devote the time required as President, to help and guide these through. I am very pleased to know that we have the right people in place, to move this ship forward!! I am not leaving COMBA, as I will be staying involved as a coach, and look forward to that, as my youngest son finishes his minor baseball career at the end of the 2022 season. I will also be very happy to help with any projects and initiatives that COMBA feels, that I could be of value to…I’m an email/text/phone call away!! In closing, keep forging ahead, and I will look forward to running into all of you at a ballpark near you!!
Jeff Bligh