Registration for Spring ball closes tonight, March 12th at 11:59 PM.
As we get closer to April, what this year’s season looks like is becoming clearer.
We are hopeful that we see a return to phase 3 sometime this spring, and thus be allowed to have a schedule that includes games. Both BC Minor Baseball and COMBA are ready to transition into that mode, creating bubbles of teams that play competitive games and have a season.
However, until we get that go ahead, the COMBA team has hard at work planning to maximize our programming while still in phase 2. We are calling it Sun Devils Spring Training, and will ensure that we can follow the health orders completely, while still offering a lot of play, a lot of hustle and a ton of grow, even while we are still in phase 2!
So this a reminder to tell your friends: baseball is alive and well in the central Okanagan! With competitive high performance and future high performance programs, creative and fun club team programming, there is a whole lot of play hustle grow for everyone. And there is still time to sign up and be guaranteed a spot before registration closes and waitlists open.
